The Fellowship of God
Acts 2:42: And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. We believe that the life of the body of Christ is in the fellowship of like minded believers, because wherever two or more of us are gathered together He is there Matthew 18:20 KJV

The Family of God
We also believe that the family of God is like a tree. It has a strong Trunk and limbs. With that healthy Branches and Leaves will be produced. But, the tree would not survive without strong roots. As we become rooted in Gods Word, we become stronger and stronger. Then we can reach out and spread Gods Word to others, producing many leaves on the tree of life!

The Word of God
We use the King James Version of the bible due to it’s translation accuracy and also the preferred translation of many Christian fundamentalists and religious movements.

The Promise of God
One of our main beliefs is on the Day of Pentecost it was made available to have Christ on the inside, to be born again of the Holy Spirit, and to manifest that Holy Spirit just as the Apostles did in Chapter 2 of Acts.

The Gathering Together
Why do we worship and fellowship? Because we await the triumphant return of our Living Lord and Savior, the only Begotten Son of God. 1 Thes 4:13-18

The Community Today
We are meeting at the Henniker Community Center which had its beginning as the Methodist Church of Henniker in the 1800’s. It is a perfect place to have our weekly Fellowship services.